Workplace Bullying stops with us - let's create a culture of safety

With approaching 50 years of experience in human resources and management, and an internationally  recognized expert in the field of workplace bullying and harassment Allan provides training and consultancy services to organizations and individuals in the area of workplace bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
Our approach to workplace bullying and harassment is based on the concept of "cultural safety," which defines an environment where individuals can feel comfortable being themselves without fear of discrimination or harassment.

We also specialize in supporting and representing victims of unjustified dismissals and workplace bullying through the traumatic process of seeking justice and compensation. Unlike the big law firms who add financial hardship to the trauma that the victims endure we often work on a "no win no fee" basis and have an enviable record of success (including some of the highest compensation awards) in the ERA and Employment Court.

Workplace Bullying Advocacy

Acknowledged internationally as New Zealands foremost anti Workplace Advocate I have for five consecutive years been nominated for New Zealander of the Year award by the thousands of people I have helped in most dire situations. We take pride in having won the three largest awards in the history of the ERA but take even more important is the hope and justice we have brought to thousands of clients. We often work on a no win no fee basis that makes representation a viable option for so many victims of bullying.

Employment Consultancy

With a focus on creating workplaces with a generative culture and zero tolerance to harassment and workplace bullying we are recognized as being the Culture Safe experts in New Zealand. With a "cultural safety" emphasis we work with organizations around New Zealand to create a culture that can see productivity and employee satisfaction grow exponentially year on year

  • 11 Charles Edwards Street, Ōhaupō, New Zealand

Allan Halse - Dogged anti-bullying campaigner takes on BOP DHP

Allan Halse - Dogged anti-bullying campaigner takes on BOP DHP

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Allan Halse - a threat to the lawyers

The ERA process is unfortunately heavily stacked against employees. In addition to the significant health and psychological pressures, the delays of up to two years for a hearing and the costs of legal representation with monthly bills from unscrupulous lawyers most employers have their legal bills covered by insurance or the taxpayer

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Workplace Bullying can be heard as a Personal Grievance

Allan Halse, director of Culture Safe NZ, spoke out following an ERA decision to allow workplace bullying to be heard as a personal grievance.

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Employees rights during Holiday periods

Employees rights during Holiday periods

Employee entitlements over holiday periods can be complex and the consequences of getting it wrong or (from an employees perspective) being hard done by an unscrupolous employer can be serious.

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